TK3 Hand Protector Set
The TK3 Hand Protector Set is the perfect addition to the TK3 Legguards and Kickers. The unique right-hand design provides outstanding flexibility, protection, and stick control. Recommended for entry-level high school or middle school goalies, this hand protector set ensures young players have the best balance of performance and safety.
About the Brand,
TK Field Hockey
TK Field Hockey brings players their trusted reputation of top-quality field hockey sticks and new innovated technology. U.S Women’s National team athlete and Longstreth Ambassador Phia Gladieux is sponsored by Longstreth and TK. We carry a full line of TK field hockey equipment including sticks, bags, gloves, grips, shin guards, and goalkeeping equipment.
About the Brand,
TK Field Hockey
TK Field Hockey brings players their trusted reputation of top-quality field hockey sticks and new innovated technology. U.S Women’s National team athlete and Longstreth Ambassador Phia Gladieux is sponsored by Longstreth and TK. We carry a full line of TK field hockey equipment including sticks, bags, gloves, grips, shin guards, and goalkeeping equipment.