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Get to know Longstreth Sponsored Grays Athlete, Ally Hammel!

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Longstreth Sponsored Grays Athlete, Ally Hammel
Ally has been a part of the Longstreth Athlete Program for 3 years. She is from Duxbury, Massachusetts and has been playing field hockey since 2008. Ally has played for HTC Field Hockey Club and was a student athlete at Boston University where she majored in Health Sciences.

Ally chooses the Grays GR10000 Jumbow to aid in her game, “I really like the amount of power and control it brings to my game, those are two huge factors in my playing style.” You can shop Ally Hammel’s stick here.


Fun Facts About Ally

Go-to pre-game meal?
A vanilla yogurt with granola and berries, and something with electrolytes in it to drink to keep me hydrated!

Go-to gameday hairstyle?
Two braids on op of my head into a high ponytail to keep my hair back.

What do you enjoy doing on your off days from field hockey?
I enjoy reading or taking my dog for a walk.

Can you describe the feelings you felt during the Olympic Qualifiers when you realized Team USA was headed to Paris?
It’s so hard to describe! The last two to three seconds of the game, in my mind, I kept telling myself “this is not real, this is not real”. Of course you come on to the team and realize this is a dream you’ve had for a long time so to get to that moment, I just kept telling myself “this is not happening!” As soon as the buzzer went off there were just feelings of joy and pure excitement!