All Posts Goalkeeper Equipment

Talk + Action = OBO

Written by Longstreth Field Hockey
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Longstreth Sporting Goods is proud to partner with OBO on their OBO REKEEP CIRCULARITY! Instead of throwing away well-loved goalie gear, OBO collects and recycles the foam material to give it new life. In New Zealand, this foam is re-purposed in the OBO Bouncer – in the U.S. the materials recycled might end up on a hockey pitch!

We need YOUR help filling a 52’ shipping container with foam!

The process is simple: follow the instructions below to print out and return your well-loved OBO foam to Longstreth and we will take care of the rest. As our way of saying thank you, Longstreth will send you a one-time use discount code to be used on brand-new OBO gear.

OBO Rekeep recycling information